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You have to reissue tokens and get all your users to not succumb to apathy. Clay Collins: There's another effect at play: the Lindy effect, which is just the value of something that doesn't break increases with every unit of time that it continues to not break. We care quite a bit about how we approach data. I can find developers who build on this,". There's tokenized securities that represent equity in a company. Feature Requests. For example, if an exchange with markets has a rate limit of requests every minute, we can only make a market request every 0. Brian Krogsgard: This seems like an exponential explosion of data that's going to be on your ecosystem. This is the best way to track your portfolio in crypto, bar none, guaranteed. You just didn't know which. So there's no back doors, there's no hidden in points. The paid plan is also great for folks who want low-latency real-time information can gopro stock recover vanguard total stock market index prospectus live trading environments. Our exchange candles are usually extremely fresh, or at least as fresh as the trades, factoring in a little latency for our computation. A lot of people charge quite a bit for these sort of uncapped non rate limited APIs, but yeah we won't rate limit. Email me jkauflin forbes. Coinbase, the largest cryptocurrency company in the U. A google sheets coinbase prices square crypto exchange of our competitors, what they're doing is they're ingesting tickers like ticker feed data in real time and they're constructing candles from. For example, we fetch a currency interval to check the previous 24 hours, giving us opening and closing prices, and a volume for that period. We don't persist the last candle if their API is down even though they're doing it. Me. You have to be dreaming up more that this will be, in terms of the entire market, beyond a whole bunch of weird crypto assets that most should die. I really think there's something to. Brian Krogsgard: Yeah, okay. So to speak to my previous history or what I was doing before this, my first software company was a company called Leadpages that was started in January of Clay Collins: Yep, exactly. I think you bring a lot to the price action course free how to transfer money out of etrade rsu account, and I'm thankful for you coming on and spreading across a lot of topics today. I'm not going to go through all these slides but we do custom asset pricing so what we found is that a lot of hedge funds and funds that calculate nav for investors, that they want to calculate prices according to a specified methodology.


I'm not necessarily trading based on what you have. It was a really forex bitcoin spread robinhood forex review experience to be able to get so much done so quickly. Ala carte. I cover fintech, day trading as business intraday trading vs swing trading, blockchain and investing at Forbes. Clay Collins: Yeah, so custody is definitely the big one. You come from a web background. I actually knew who you were in your prior google sheets coinbase prices square crypto exchange, coinbase convert bitcoin to ethereum how to fund an bittrex is Leadpages by the way, for anyone listening from the web space. We'll have that like tomorrow. Often, there's analysis that people want that requires them to download a whole lot of data and then analyze that data and often—because we have all the data in our database—we can just give you an API endpoint that just outputs the number that you're looking for that just sort of does the analysis for you. We don't care. The paid plan is also great for folks who want low-latency real-time information for live trading environments. If I can do one thing that's going to attract the kind of audience that I want to get, what can I do? Update: This article originally was written back inthe formula s listed in this article have changed several times. We'll probably best binary option broker for us site forexlion ex4 mq4 to a metered plan in the future.

So you're having to integrate with more and more of these exchanges to get an accurate picture of what's happening-. Building out in-house tools to clean and aggregate exchange data is a laboursome and timely task. It's totally possible. And you responded to me in like record time and it required y'all to potentially build a new feature and you're like, "Yeah. Similarly, let's say you want to create a 1-hour candle and you've got the steady stream of tickers coming in. They aren't just here for the fad, they're here to change the landscape for the better and make this place their home. And we have specs to handle that right now. New exchanges are added continuously. It would be the bid jump way across the ask and purchase something like way over here. A lot of people charge quite a bit for these sort of uncapped non rate limited APIs, but yeah we won't rate limit. In order to meet the needs of our own customers, we needed reliable and high-quality cryptocurrency pricing as well as feed stability. We found that of the 10 exchanges that were deemed to be trusted by Bitwise, that 8 out of these 10 exchanges provided historical gapless raw trade data. And we have this ability to put a monetary value on them. So, because we have the trades, we can compute the candles ourselves. In addition to pulling data from specific exchange platforms, you also will be able to compare trading platforms with each other for optimizing your portfolio value. Other people use this. I think we should hire a CEO and I can stay on the board.

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And I saw the same thing happening in the crypto space, again with lots of consolidation in data. Since you came from a marketing background, how did you even know like here's the data that we need to put into this API? So if you spend much time at all ingesting data from these exchanges, you'll find that ticker symbols change from exchange to exchange, and then the exchanges themselves will change a ticker symbols. But also ROI per month, quarter or year. For more information, please see our docs. So it's just a certain level of rigor. Would that be from there and higher or lower the bar? Coinbase, the largest cryptocurrency company in the U. Can someone else like Netscape Ethereum and become Chrome or whatever else? Something I realized about myself is that I think I cap out at around people in terms of company size and my ability to manage at scale. But I've heard there's some exchanges where they have funkiness in their API that would also allow something like that. Other exchanges just won't include candles. Brian Krogsgard: So, is the purpose behind these that you just want to share what you're learning and traditional podcast stuff? They may have Which means that myself as a non-developer, my CTO or someone else on the team will often send me a version of the app and I'll log into GitHub and deploy to production without anyone manually testing it. It would be the bid jump way across the ask and purchase something like way over here. Now, here's the show. A lot of exchange candles come in at zero value if there's no trading activity. Also, the think right now there's not a lot of data.

Clay Collins: Yeah, totally, totally. Then we fetch the current prices, which are updated more frequently, the currency interval response, and all the close prices and replace them with the data from the prices interval. You probably know the term for this, but google sheets coinbase prices square crypto exchange where degradation and data over time. You can pluck a specific order, although I don't know why someone would do. If you do go to Nomics that entire website was built with our API so anything you see on the website we have available but we also have a lot of data available that is not on our website. How much time are you spending on interactive brokers interest rates on ira cash open citibank brokerage account stuff and why? So, anyway, there's a lot I can talk about. I think the beauty of our data approach is that we have a database that allows raw trade data to coexist with candle data to coexist from ticker data as the primary source data from exchanges and we inform you about what kind of data you're getting and how the numbers that you're asking for are derived from these data points. Start With Our Free Plan. I asked for it. Coinbase is acquiring Tagomi for its technology and talent. Go to ledgerstatus. They had payment data in something like Stripe and they had information about what webpages people are visiting in a place like Google Analytics. The second you want to ingest data from multiple exchanges, things get a lot trickier. Yeah, institutional investors are. There's just so much developer activity on top of Ethereum. Exchange Candle Computation Latency Exchange candle computation latency is dependent on the exchange, market and candle size. They don't have historical trade data. Other people use. And let's level that up, the higher-end ones.

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Brian Krogsgard: I am curious. Do you expect your pay customers will be able to absorb that function for the long haul? So trade data is better than candle data, is better than ticker data, which is the worst and this is what our data set looks like: We have raw trade data and from those raw trades we can construct candles and from those candles we can construct tickers and that's for exchanges that do have raw trade data from. So we've got aggregate candlestick data and we have data for individual markets on individual exchanges, and we have every single trade on all of those markets, on all of those exchanges going back to the inception of those markets. But we're also traders ourselves. Brian Krogsgard: Do y'all do data repair? So they'll give Well, you have to just taken this price that you got at , just assume that it's close if you are constructing tickers from candles , which is generally a bad idea. I think we should hire a CEO and I can stay on the board. Btc Exchange. Independent Reserve. So I started booking all these interviews and then I realized that it was too late. A lot of our competitors, what they're doing is they're ingesting tickers like ticker feed data in real time and they're constructing candles from that. There's a whole nother set of trades and orders and everything. How are you looking to be able to scale that? That doesn't even get into a future where there's derivative products or futures or options. If you have questions, feel free to contact us here. Because when you think about like, "Hey, where are people trading crypto? Trading Journal, Tax Reporting Because nothing is as flexible as a spreadsheet.

I say metal because that's the example Change thinkorswim color scheme best free game streaming applications macd know where it has this history of Bittrex and it was way higher than it ever showed on Binance and Deposit money to coinbase wallet send wtt from etherdelta to gigawatt seen people show a chart of metal on Binance and they're like, "Wow. Then two other scenarios I've seen, one was when Binance had the Syscoin hack and shenanigans that they did recently, someone stole 11 Syscoin for 96 BTC. He was part of Leadpages. Last fall, The Block reported that Coinbase was in talks to buy Tagomi, but that deal never materialized. Nanu Exchange. And not only do we have ticker data, but we have multiple candlestick links on the back end for aggregate market, so all Bitcoin markets, all Ethereum markets, et cetera. This is an API business. Clay Collins: Yeah, so custody is definitely the big one. Or Facebook. I think you'll really enjoy it. Clay Collins: -storyboard out the whole thing. Brian Krogsgard: The parallel could be let's say 0x.

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I think what's difficult about that is the switching costs. You have to be dreaming up more that this will be, in terms of the entire market, beyond a whole bunch of weird crypto assets that most should die. All Rights Reserved. This is the perfect way to reach your target sell price. Brian Krogsgard: Okay. So you can hit us as hard as you want. Clay Collins: They were nice enough to me. This is a really kind of "boring business", but I think that's kind of in my DNA. At some point you're managing people and then you're managing people who manage people and then you're managing the people who manage people who manage people. Clay Collins: Yeah, so I define institutional as someone who raises money from other parties to invest it on their behalf. Bruce Fenton was on your show, who's a big Ravencoin guy. They're always working on cool stuff. It will be who can actually challenge them.

Free for all Coinmetrics data. The same logic applies to exchange market interval and exchange market prices. I think you'll really enjoy it. You hear that they're on Binance and that they're on Coinbase and to a lesser degree, Bittrex and Poloniex, and then you've got some Asian exchanges that are doing a lot of trading, but you don't actually know if it's real for some of. If you have really thin markets and you put in a market order then it could just be that it blew past all the sell orders and jumped to some super high google sheets coinbase prices square crypto exchange. It's really cool. Historical aggregate cryptocurrency market cap since January of So how did you transition from building a big company So we know it from that perspective and we create stuff that we want to dog food. Clay Collins: Oh, god. What do you It's common knowledge in this space that good enough is often all you'll be able to. I don't know any ZRX right. So basically, one of the Clay Collins: I think folks in general need to not focus as much on the fact that it's a token and the whole thing is some new asset class. Basically, we can create customized endpoints for you. So data for orders that haven't been filled or have been canceled or maybe the order's been placed and that order converts to an actual trade and then add to that blockchain data and you have a huge undertaking in terms of. I actually knew who you were in your prior company, which is Leadpages by the way, for anyone listening from the web space. What are stocks with dividends dax intraday historical data an exchange only provides candle data then we will get the candle data td ameritrade no fee etf how to sign up 1 stocks on robinhood will calculate tickers but we practice stock trading with paper money stock market simulator ipad for forex trading use their tickers—we'll calculate them. There's true cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. And at that time, I got really interested in data platforms and customer data platforms where

Or Facebook. I can find developers who build on this,". Read Video Transcript. Can someone else like Netscape Ethereum and become Chrome or whatever else? Why don't you know what you're doing? If you're 0x, to switch to another blockchain is just damn near impossible. Brian Krogsgard: Yeah, definitely not. So, let's just go all the way. I mean, I what is a coller options strategy binary options south africa a lot of times a monetary value is just that the greater fool is going to come on and buy it for more, and that is the [inaudible ] of the token. Brian Krogsgard: Which means, for non-programmers, that means that what he says is going to happen has been tested via best ai related stocks capital asset vs stock in trade whole nother slate of programming tools to verify that that's what happens, because he said it was going to happen. You have to reissue tokens and get all your users to not succumb to apathy. See all benefits. I've thrown big events. This is an all encompassing API project where he's really looking to be the data layer for google sheets coinbase prices square crypto exchange and for maintaining the history of the price of any crypto asset previously and going forward. So I like to use the example of metal just 'cause it's one I remember of being listed on Bittrex and then listed on Binance later and then de-listed on Bittrex, but it's still on Binance. Brian Krogsgard: And then The free plan has a 1 hour refresh interval, the Data Availability Service offers a 2 to 3 minutes refresh interval. Those are the folks that pay us. I'm sure it'll be .

Clay Collins: And we take that very seriously. That's how you got to do it. It's a terrible blockchain use case. Near real-time latency. Brian Krogsgard: And that's all underlying physical product. So let's say, for example, that you wanted to price Ethereum. Brian Krogsgard: Musical chairs is not a game I want to play, but I agree, it does seem like we're all playing it. Brian Krogsgard: That one, I agree with you completely, even though I've always said this is a whole new asset class. Clay Collins: And so if you're just ingesting data from one of these exchanges and you're okay with dealing with just a bunch of friction, then I think it's probably okay. So, anyway, there's a lot I can talk about here. To me, it's kind of analogous to JavaScript, right? Why don't you know what you're doing?

Here we have on this chart, trades. Brian Krogsgard: Yeah, okay. Why don't you know what you're doing? Ready to organize and analyze your cryptoassets? I think a bollinger band trend trade the fifth indicator thing is that Like what the hell is going on here? Clay Collins: So we are not a blockchain company. Start With Our Free Plan. This is an all encompassing API project where he's really looking to be the data layer for crypto and for maintaining the history of the price of any crypto asset clean backtesting vwap aapl and going forward. If you're just consuming the live data feeds, they don't repair their data.

A technique used by Nomics is the layering of endpoints. So people might hear of Polymath because it has a token, but people should also be aware of something like Harbor and they provide a different type of service than what poly does. I'm going to use this. Brian Krogsgard: JavaScript is used by every website in the world. And then I had to storyboard out the whole thing. So I'm super interested in this, but what I am He's the co-founder of Nomics and nomics. I don't know any ZRX right now. Being able to go through kind of a single provider that normalizes these and then sends out an expected response is great. The combined long-tail of the network effects of the tokens built on Ethereum is just truly outstanding, where none of them individually on their own maybe have world-changing network effects just yet. Everyone talks about the network effects of Bitcoin. Because of that, it's reinforcing the underlying network, so they're self-strengthening. So we wanted to create a super professional lightening fast API and that's what we're solving- Brian Krogsgard: Out of of curiosity on that exact pair, were they basically seeking to provide a trading pair between to different stable coins in order to smooth the market on their own platform? We were looking at an exchange the other day that had a market called USD Clay Collins: But I think second order network effects occur with platforms like Ethereum, where Ether itself has network effects, but then built on top of Ethereum are these additional tokens that themselves have network effects. Brian Krogsgard: Delta's really awesome. I'm a big believer in that not everything needs to be decentralized or run on a blockchain and I actually think that what we're doing is kind of a horrible candidate for the blockchain. Summary: Trades are updated as quickly as an exchange will allow. If you know of others, please let us know. But you can reuse templates shared by some users such as this one.

Go ledgerstatus. Aggregated candles provide volume-weighted summary pricing info for a given cryptoasset e. Brian Krogsgard: Nobody cares because you can go to any And that was one of the rules that we put in place from day one, is that we couldn't do anything with our app that our customers couldn't do with the free version of our product. I had heard a really good audio documentary about cryptocurrencies and there was a part of me as a product person that respects the craftsmanship that said to myself I want to create something that is like planet money level content for the cryptocurrency space about security tokens. The paid plan is also great for folks who want low-latency real-time information for live trading environments. A lot of our competitors, what they're doing is they're ingesting tickers like ticker feed data in real time and they're constructing candles from. What that allows you to do is it allows you to create your own candles. Ready to organize and analyze your cryptoassets? That's a good question. Then OTC fxpro forex demo trader dante module 1 swing trading forex and financial futures. This is one of the most requested features they've. So we cache the hell out of our endpoints. Because I think one of the things I'm seeing is a lot of stuff is way down to where, if this was a traditional market where the market is fairly efficient and understanding what pricing is and what works, they'd look like deals, right? Brian Krogsgard: So it allows you to essentially skip the order book, whereas how to buy stocks for beginners youtube tradestation trading strategies a limit order's going to choose the lowest one or a market order is going to pull from the bottom or .

It was just recently I made my first investment in crypto currencies, I spent EUR 50 to acquire about 0. Clay Collins: -storyboard out the whole thing. View the discussion thread. Brian Krogsgard: What are some of the big lessons that you've learned, based on the people you've talked to, in terms of what's most concerning to an institutional investor? So every single line of code has a unit test that covers that code. Right now crypto currencies stand at about 0. I think a second thing is that Often, there's analysis that people want that requires them to download a whole lot of data and then analyze that data and often—because we have all the data in our database—we can just give you an API endpoint that just outputs the number that you're looking for that just sort of does the analysis for you. Exchange Candle Computation Latency Exchange candle computation latency is dependent on the exchange, market and candle size. This isn't how we do things. We talk all about this project. Video Tutorials. Yeah, you probably don't want to use a blockchain. There's just so much developer activity on top of Ethereum.

I ninjatrader symbols mql4 heiken ashi alert so many features in just a couple of hours. But this is a normal old business, not like a blockchain project. So at the bottom kind of underlying everything that we do is gapless historical raw data. What pages they visited, what emails they've opened, what webinars they've attended, what It's weird for me, and I guess maybe that's why the market's inefficient and why we're seeing these drastic swings is because we're trying to figure out what is something like the 0x protocol worth? It's amazing, and I'm a fan. There's no underlying value. For example, if an exchange with markets has a rate limit of requests every minute, we can only make a market request every 0. Clay Collins: It's google sheets coinbase prices square crypto exchange for Nomics. So if you need super low latency order book snapshots and trading data, that's something we can. Brian Krogsgard: Which means, for non-programmers, that means that what he says is going to happen has been tested via a whole nother slate of programming tools to verify that that's what happens, because he said it was going to happen. This is the perfect way to reach your target sell price. Similarly, let's say you futures accounts with trading view platform zee business intraday stock tips to create a 1-hour candle and you've got the steady stream of tickers coming in. It was really a pain. Clay Collins: I'm a product person, so when someone buys our product, I'll go in and ask them, "What are you doing with this data?

Infinity Coin. Michael Froehlich Bletchley Indexes. And you know, one question we get from folks who don't spend a lot of time looking at data is, "Doesn't QuidMarket cap have this data? I've gone through this lesson myself as a trader because stuff just doesn't- Clay Collins: I'm going to buy the dip. The Earn. We're gonna eventually open source completely the front end as well as iOS and Android apps. So if you're an exchange and you do have a data API, we can run that for you. In New York, in Times Square, that's my prediction. The way we do things, again, starting with gapless historical raw trade data, allows us to price to the microsecond using this model. Those are the folks that pay us. If you want to make a lot more calls, then you'll pay for those additional exposure to data. Tux Exchange. If an exchange only provides candle data then we will get the candle data and will calculate tickers but we won't use their tickers—we'll calculate them ourselves. Release Notes. I can find developers who build on this," etc. I think there's something real about Ethereum.

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But having come from the event business, I bet they're just doing better than break even. Getting started with the Nomics API was a breeze and, despite limited coding knowledge, I was able to pull and reshape everything in under an hour. I don't know if necessarily all that accrues to the token or how this all plays out, but I think there's something special happening. I get it, and I understand it, and it makes sense. Get the latest dividend income article in your inbox Join more than subscribers and get notified once the newest dividend income article is is out. The front end, which is at nomics. Brian Krogsgard: Delta's really awesome. Send any amount you are willing to give to the following. It's really cool. Just give you a little more information about your trading and so that you can learn more to be a better trader. Clay Collins: And then with things like Filecoin and crypto commodities, that just looks a lot like VC. Clay Collins: Hey Brian. This truly is the best way to build your own dashboard from scratch. The second you want to ingest data from multiple exchanges, things get a lot trickier. We don't care. Because of that, it's reinforcing the underlying network, so they're self-strengthening. Exchange Candle Computation Latency Exchange candle computation latency is dependent on the exchange, market and candle size.

Brian Krogsgard: And they make millions of dollars. Your data backbone for the open financial. In candle computation, markets are constantly scanned and candles updated as soon as new trades execute. That's my prediction. But that's what we're doing in crypto. So, that's one of compounded binary trading pepperstone negative balance protection things that we. So that's a great question. And when we started in this business, we just Yeah, institutional investors are. Brian Krogsgard: Right. But let's say 0x becomes the way to buying forex options vs pairs twitter forex signals a decentralized exchange, just because their protocol's that good. So at a baseline you are providing data specifically around coin data at a high level and then very specific data in terms of pricing on a daily basis, and I think an hourly basis at a core. Clay Collins: Yep, exactly. I've thrown big events google sheets coinbase prices square crypto exchange. Clay Collins: Because So where do you start to make money? Summary: Trades are updated as quickly as an exchange will allow. If you have really thin markets and you put in a market order then it could just be that it blew past all the sell orders and jumped to some super high price. So let's say you're ingesting data from an exchange that only provides ticker data that's all that they do and you want to construct a 1-minute candle. Brian Krogsgard: And then Was Nomics. So probably a good way to think about data and how we do data is around this idea of a data pyramid. I asked for it. And, finally, we can stand up market data websites transfered to vanguard should i switch to vanguard stocks best stocks to day trade 2020 reddit you. Your dealing with all the hassles of getting data off an exchange, so that I don't have to integrate with every single exchange in the world and instead I integrate with Nomics and I'm good to go.

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Aggregated candles are updated 6 times per candle duration 1-day candles are updated every 15 minutes 1-hour candles are updated every 5 minutes Historical order-book snapshots are captured every 1 minute however, for enterprise customers, we can provide snapshots at millisecond intervals. And something that I think is worth noting is that everything you see on nomics. I interviewed Polymath about security tokens and I got just this fraction of a picture of what was happening and then I realized there's exchanges, and there are issuers, and there were just so many regulatory bodies and there was so many different components to this. We ingest trades as continuously and as quickly as we can making the maximum data requests possible. So you're having to integrate with more and more of these exchanges to get an accurate picture of what's happening- Brian Krogsgard: So the long tail Brian Krogsgard: And you're just assuming either that it's worth eating the cost for now or the cost is somewhat nominal for now. I know a lot of these projects, to try to essentially hedge that risk, are trying to build their own stuff, like a layer above, so a little agnostic of the underlying platform, so that, if someone integrates with their API, they can change their underlying stuff, but whoever's integrating with them can still [crosstalk ]. So when you first started using marketing tech in the space, someone would use something like Infusionsoft or HubSpot or Salesforce and everything would be in one place. Owning a phone makes owning a phone more valuable to everyone, every time one is purchased. And multiple versions of local bitcoins that are reporting their data.

Brian Krogsgard: So, is the purpose behind these that you just want google sheets coinbase prices square crypto exchange share what you're learning and traditional podcast stuff? Basically, we can create customized endpoints for you. Brian Krogsgard: Hello and welcome to the Ledger Cast. Bitcoin and robinhood make 400 a day trading let's say 0x becomes the way to create a decentralized exchange, just because their protocol's that good. But I don't know why a crappy dogecoin bittrex best trading strategy for cryptocurrency at a hedge fund is buying Syscoin for several bitcoin. We'll probably move to a metered plan in the future. So, for the majority of the exchanges that we have data from we have literally every trade on every trading pair on that exchange. It proved to be a key tool in building our crypto strategy. Who should use the free vs. I say metal because that's the example I know where it has this history of Bittrex and it was way higher than it ever showed on Binance and I've seen people show a chart of metal how to use heiken ashi strategy intraday trading tips instant bonus no deposit Binance and they're like, "Wow. So we wanted to create a super professional lightening fast API and that's what we're solving- Brian Krogsgard: Out of of curiosity on that exact pair, were they basically seeking to provide a trading pair between to different stable coins in order to smooth the market on their own platform? We've indexed billions of trades. Bancor Network. Another thing that we do is we provide low latency data. Clay Collins: -storyboard out the whole thing. You might also like.

Would that be from there and higher or lower the bar? We're gonna eventually open source completely the front end as well as iOS and Android apps. It's not something that most people have the stomach for because it's slower at first, but it pays off in spades down the road. Have a tip, question or comment? The skillset beyond these basic requirements really depends entirely on what you're building. Read Less. And at that time, I got really interested in data platforms and customer data platforms where So trade data is better than candle data, is better than ticker data, which is the worst and this is what our data set looks like: We have raw trade data and from those raw trades we can construct candles and from those candles we can construct tickers and that's for exchanges that do have raw trade data from. So you're having to integrate with more and more of these exchanges to get an accurate picture of what's happening-. And then the worst case scenario is you're in exchange that only provides tickers. But the hard thing there with crypto commodities like Filecoin is it doesn't matter how much utility value exists. It's all in the latest version of Delta. So we wanted to create a super professional lightening fast API and that's what we're solving- Brian Krogsgard: Out of of curiosity on that exact pair, were they basically seeking to provide a trading pair between to different stable coins in order to smooth the market on their own platform? Clay Collins: It would be like it's just sort of pay as you go. What I'll be really, truly Other exchanges do things like I mean, the way that you've talked to me about how people can do relatively small changes to their own APIs, just providing endpoints for specific types of access for you.

That's something. I'm not going to name an exchange, but the kind of fraud that we see most frequently google sheets coinbase prices square crypto exchange is when trades happen like far above the spot price. So I'm super interested in this, but what I am Trade Satoshi. Live order books and depth charts, number one on the request list for people that I've talked to who said that they like Delta but they want transfer from coinbase to blockchain wallet cryptocurrency exchange platform software. So they might say, "We want to calculate prices based on only these ten exchanges and even just in and only based on Fiat pairs on these ten exchanges," and so they specify and they want to "calculate end-of-day prices based on the end of the day" in their time zone. Cme bitcoin futures retirement fund ethereum price chart crypto usd episode is brought to you by Delta. And then add to that security token exchanges. Right now we're supporting, pounds, euros, yen, won and rubles. It's a known thing. They've just released portfolio analytics as well and I've thought this was really cool because I can go back and it'll actually tell me, if I'm a pfgfx metatrader how to use heiken ashi vs candlestick user it tells me even more, but it tells me stuff like what exchange are my coins on or what wallet is it in and it gives me these really nice graphs with all of that information, with a lot of analytical data. I think a second thing is that WordPress is crap. And when we started in this business, we just There's no underlying value. We don't care. Have a tip, question or comment?

I bet you they're just doing a little bit better than break even. Clay Collins: Because We'll probably move to a metered plan in the future. So data for orders that haven't been filled or have been canceled or maybe the order's been placed and that order converts to an actual trade and then add to that blockchain data and you have a huge undertaking in terms of-. He was part of Leadpages. And then of the exchanges that Bitwise identified as being suspect, that they explicitly called out as being suspect, all but two of those did not provide historical gapless raw trade data. Huobi Global. I think something that is not discussed enough with regards to Ethereum is the fact that there's these compound or kind of second-order network effects that occur. Other people use this. And this is only over the course of whatever the last year that it's existed.