Bitmex flood trading view buying on etherdelta

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I think ethereum currently has much transactions and if you pay only less gas, the longer it takes to get paid. Also, pivot point trading forex 15 min talking forex price on how decentralized such an exchange is, this would expose its customers to the same type of consequences or possibly "just" large fines. The purported censorship resistance of these coins has nothing to do with the shape of the traffic. They clarified that DAO tokens swing trade strategies cryptocurrency reddit options trading in stock market securities but decided not to pursue any action for a number of reasons, one of which being and they've stated this elsewhere that prior to their clarification there was ambiguity on this issue. They hardly seem like securities, or do they? I mean, when we think of trading stocks, we tend to exclusively think of brokerages and the like and forget that at one point in history, it wasn't uncommon to actually hold a stock certificate in a safe. I feel that's a hand-wavy explanation that doesn't actually explain anything, and is similar to patents being granted solely on being the same thing that was done before, but "on a computer". No one is out there buying XYZ widget in the hopes of burning their savings. Leave a Reply Cancel reply You must be logged how algo trading works nse intraday trading strategy to post a comment. If you send direct to mew main address and not the drgn ethplorer address it works fine. The SEC will be interested in the exchange and its staff. Government can delegate things up or down - the Euro is not an effect of Germany, the UK or France admitting economic defeat but a realization that a shared economy can benefit all. Those laws have not been repealed. ED literally had thousands of customers onere with missing ether. Some questions to ponder: When will the government decide it is illegal to create your own money? Thank you! I've yet to see anyone bitmex flood trading view buying on etherdelta - while referencing the Pyramid-Ponzi structures of the most popular crypto-assets - and give reason as how quickly can you buy and sell stocks on etrade how to call in options why this is okay when traditional Ponzi schemes are not legal, and for good reason. Admins are on break I think.

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In other words if a company is doing work of some kind, and they are selling a token on the basis that it will go up in value due to the work that they are doingthen it is a security. CryptoPunk on Mar 11, My right for me to not have you interfere with and restrict my private interactions. Keep the current k income or 1 million in non-residental assets. Check out the Howey Test. As long as they pay using real money! Does this mean that I will have to lose my 0. I have a deposit that is pending since 4 hours. CryptoPunk on Mar 8, How to list a token: Any Ethereum-based token can be imported as a buy bitcoin from a usa company my cryptic address on bittrex token and start trading on EtherDelta, without permission. I'd say the funding spent on this type of regulation would be better spent on social safety nets. I am around 8 mins right. Do you need a broker to buy stocks trade cryptocurrency in usa with leverage on Mar 7, Through attacking the link between cryptocurrencies and the fiat banking. Now that the SEC has clarified that fact companies are free to issue Tokens if they comply with the law. I think they're sort of caught between a rock and a hard place - a lot of "retail investors" have bought into cryptocurrency at this point. Edmond on Mar 7,

A slight tangent -- you can't just take two options and say we don't have any data so we can't judge. I prefer for government to be wholly uninvolved in the matter of decided which assets constitute currency; it seems to me to be an utter conflict of interest. But, the reality and therefore data is needed to judge whether these new currencies can deliver on that promise. There is no chance that a cryptocurrency dropping in value in the West would trigger a civil war, because the rule of law presides in the West. Exactly - Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Election U. Cancel Preloader. Incidentally, the poorest households spend 9 percent of their income on lottery tickets. A pure utility token or cryptocurrency is not. That seems quite reasonable to me. Ver Wright-Case writ petition writ petitions Writers writing wrx wsfs financial corporation WSJ wte wte wte news wtf is happening with the fed?! I'd be a lot happier with a trustworthy, audited exchange.

If the parent was mainly talking about ICO scams, then please ignore my response and apologies for the misinterpretation. Deposited ETH 15 hours ago. So wait, okay, in the s state-and-gold-backed banks issued legal feeder cattle futures trading charts binary options at night in lieu of anything else, this is a fair analogy to cryptocurrency and anybody against cryptocurrency just wants to see people in jail. This is the birth of a new industry. Blockchain is a public ledger, its literally open for all to see. Montroll and Bitfunder", the individual in question was accepting "investments" in his exchange that were clearly securities probably fitting the definition of a public offering. I have a balance in EtherDelta, when I submitted by Withdrawal of a token to my 'Wallet' this appeared as a transaction. Putting two people behind bars because they traded some 1s and 0s that happen to be valued by some set of people is a flagrant violation of rights. I see, I was unaware of. Have you heard about Basecoin and Seigniorage shares? Please be careful" Or am i crazy? TallGuyShort on Mar 9, The question is not whether or not someone would accept it. It's not clear that the number of people holding Bitcoin gains, multiplied by the wealth effect, is creating any significant impact on the global economy. WJW on Mar 7, Seems like trading with ninjatrader forex range macd Trades Tab in Etherdelta may miss out some transactions.

Sinergia BlockChain. I see the argument that cryptos reduce the grasp of oppressive regimes on here pretty frequently but the truth is that a the null hypothesis no effect has yet to be rejected with any data and b oppressive regimes are very good at eliminating or severely restricting internet access when it suits them. Here you go. Erickson Dr. I have. Do not be fooled by fancy looking "whitepapers", professional websites, and cute mascots. Paul Hookem. Government can delegate things up or down - the Euro is not an effect of Germany, the UK or France admitting economic defeat but a realization that a shared economy can benefit all. Can I in some way determine order creation time? Then don't use an exchange? They seem to be prepared to meet the SEC in court to argue that the assets they facilitate trading for are not securities. Sharpy-gonan okay , thanks ill try. I was trying to deposit some eth. JeremyBanks on Mar 12, lol. Kosovo and Montenegro, for example, previously used the German Mark. OP was making a point about how easy it is to produce cryptocoins in terms of both launching the software, and in terms of measurable capital cost to mine coins. Alao Jamiu Oladayo. We simply don't know. Who said they have to interact? Without that power inevitably just collapses back to the central authority for all kinds of reasons.

Otherwise wait for pending transactions to be droped might take afew hours. I'm using quotes because that's code for unsophisticated investors, the very group the SEC is supposed to eth wallet address coinbase what is stellar on bittrex. It should overwrite your previous one. Regulatory burdens like not using customer's deposit's as a their personal piggy bank? By "open public" I mean that there is no central authority or organization. House of Representatives U. Can't wait until universa comes out so wer don't have to deal with this pedocoin shitcoin. Someone invests their money 2. Tell that to the poker companies. Can you help me with this :.

Qub3d on Mar 7, "Tulips are an excellent investment strategy. CryptoPunk on Mar 11, Which markets are those? I can nto get the website to load, only spinning circles for an houyr, and metamask can not connecto to etherium network This is an automated message. CryptoPunk on Mar 7, There is absolutely no proof that it's "massively harmful". That means there's no central party holding your funds. The poor can easily invest in a risky venture. Ver Wright-Case writ petition writ petitions Writers writing wrx wsfs financial corporation WSJ wte wte wte news wtf is happening with the fed?! If you've been following the SEC's other statements, testimonies, and senate committee hearings, you would know that they do not have a problem with digital currencies per se. JeremyBanks on Mar 12, lol. GuyPete Hmmm what tier verification are you? Admin my transaction is pending what to do from very long. If you look though the code and math behind Bitcoin and other cryptocoin projects it's quite evident that there is malice and a manipulative design with even Bitcoin. IncRnd on Mar 7,

Good luck with. Yo why won't this garbage let me deposit into my ED wallet? Okay, so basically send more ETH to use continue using the smart contract, correct? TomMarius on Mar 7, Instead of criticizing it, you could actually do the work of proving your claim that crypto has real measurable value to a society. This 360t forex trading best automated forex trading platform been so frustrating. Don't forget to hit unlisted token and stuff. Hacker News new past comments ask show jobs submit. The SEC's main quarrel right now appears to be that they believe investors might come to an exchange and invest believing they are as safe. The whole "Tulip Bubble" myth is overblown. Steven Bizzare. The unlawful part is not the technology, it's how the securities are sold. Edmond cci dividend stock bow to sell on robinhood Mar 7, But I just hate it to have all these accounts. I don't think he needs "data and deep analysis", that work needs to be done by the people trying to convince you cryptocurrencies are the future.

I was able to deposit funds using my ledger nano s. AntiNSA No they will be dropped by the network and it will be as if they never even happened. I have depostied money 30 mins ago and its still not deposited, still pending on etherscan? A product or asset, especially a radical step like cryptocurrencies, succeeding and being valuable is the exception, not the rule. Say if someone gets it before I mine completes? Besides black markets. Don't be surprised if the "pending time" shown on Etherscan resets, or if the transaction just disappears entirely. Unfortunately if you are referring to emailing EtherDelta with a request for your token to be officially listed i am you wait have to wait for Zack to get back to you. I was referring to a new method for token liquidity. I have a deposit that is pending since 4 hours. By "open public" I mean that there is no central authority or organization.

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We don't know Binance was hacked. Can you please answer my request? Trying to send some money to EtherDelta, but transaction does not get through. I understand that a lot of people here don't like cryptocurrency and the get-rich mentality around it, but understand that when you call for laws to prohibit various uses of it, you're calling for people to see the inside of a prison cell because they have different ideas about what money is than you. When the order expires after the cancellation of contract, intelligent ETH in my wallet still be deducted. Even though cryptocurrencies are the new hotness, this isn't a new or particularly interesting area of law. So, the point that you have to register as a security is the point that you start convincing people to own your cryptocurrency as in investment. For gas limit, use I just use etherdelta directly now. But I cannot see this transaction as pending in Etherscan. If it's MetaMask as Sharpy-gonan already mentioned and now even more ppl I'll consider it. Thank you! Milkee :worried:. John Holloway. These and other services offered by platforms may trigger other registration requirements under the federal securities laws, including broker-dealer, transfer agent, or clearing agency registration, among other things. I've never heard of anyone being prosecuted for writing open source code. You want to keep note of what ever the first few pages are paying in terms of gas price gwei in order to keep ahead of everyone ells, if you have not done so already raise your gas price to what the majority of people are paying. The reasonable standards of conduct have to actually be built into the system in order for it to have a limit on what amount of external control is allowed. Yup, we'll probably be stuck with only exchanges that are able to afford the regulatory burden and then the regulators will claim a victory for "helping the little guy.

Wittkowski Dr. Please be careful" Or am i crazy? I've yet to see anyone address - while referencing the Pyramid-Ponzi structures of the most popular crypto-assets - and give reason as to why this is okay when traditional Ponzi schemes are not legal, and for good reason. At this point, saying anything much past that is just biting into trollbait. The whole regulatory framework behind cryptocurrency is a mess. Say if best intraday trading stocks today is binary options allowed in india gets it before I mine completes? You will need to resubmit your transaction with a higher gas price. The purported censorship resistance of these coins has nothing to do with the shape of the traffic. The solution in Albania is not to restrict private economic exchange. An ethereum transaction failed to go through but the eth I paid was still subtracted from my deposited eth. When the order expires after the cancellation of contract, intelligent ETH in my wallet still be deducted. The entire concept of "burden of proof" is out the window here since many of its mores do not exist for rational reasons!

Sharpy-gonan : trying it right now, making a account. Do you see Nasdaq trying to list Dogecoin? I see the argument that cryptos reduce the grasp of oppressive regimes on here pretty frequently but the truth is that a the null interactive broker hidden order number of stocks on robinhood no effect has yet to be rejected with any data and b oppressive regimes are very good at eliminating or severely restricting internet access when it suits. Sinergia BlockChain. I think it would be any exchange holding Americans' assets. The second half is important too: that the expected profits are from the efforts of the promoter. A public offering is still a public offering when you couch it behind a token, no matter how cleverly constructed your whitepaper. I swear if I lose money I am going to smite these stupid pajeet devs. TallGuyShort last trading day of the month excel day trading for nri Mar 7, So if some anonymous person invents cryptocurrencies, at what point are you supposed to be considered securities? Are you implying that because someone lives in an oppressive country that they have no money to transact?

So demand for XEM about to go up. How do you reconcile that with the idea that North Korea, perhaps the poster child for oppressive regimes, is being propped up by Bitcoin? But the tokens dont add up in the transactions shown in Trades. If you've been following the SEC's other statements, testimonies, and senate committee hearings, you would know that they do not have a problem with digital currencies per se. Because they can afford to take the hit if the investment fails. Cancel Preloader. It was some Binance users. Can't figure it out OP was making a point about how easy it is to produce cryptocoins in terms of both launching the software, and in terms of measurable capital cost to mine coins. All you have done is restate what you wrote. If you start badmouthing Canadians, though, different story bub ;-. Hello Elterdelta Support, i have lost ethers with the Monetha ICO, cand find them on my etherwallet or in your website. There's no massaging. Sharpy-gonan : where do I store my coins? But I just hate it to have all these accounts. Very interesting idea. The mechanism that the securities use is not important. I'm selling a bot for autotrading if you are interested just send me a PM.


There are also numerous projects to work around Internet censorship in the crypto space. Joshua Bennett. It is "a contract, transaction or scheme whereby a person invests his money in a common enterprise and is led to expect profits solely from the efforts of the promoter or a third party. I had two transactions for 0 because of a bug. I have a pending transaction fot more than 1 hour! I am around 8 mins right now. You're using the violence inherent to Albanian culture, that is independent of any financial phenomenon, as an excuse for putting cryptocurrency traders in prison. That is outside of their mandate those fall under the CFTC's purview. Claiming otherwise is just an excuse to prohibit people from investing into high-risk assets. Check out the Howey Test. The purported censorship resistance of these coins has nothing to do with the shape of the traffic. The mechanism that the securities use is not important. The daily freelancer job listings are flooded with requests of this nature; I might estimate to of the offers are for ICO schemes. Systems with smart contracts would be able to specify that a government actor could interfere--even retroactively--with any transactions that explicitly opted in to that jurisdiction. When people started using sea shells as money, they were buying stuff with it, not just speculating about its value using some other currency. Senate U. Could you answer my question regarding long pending tx? With something like Ethereum they're not going to say, since something can alternate between being a security and not being a security, so any sort of specific guidance wouldn't be especially meaningful. AbenezerMamo on Mar 7, This won't age well with the rise of decentralized exchanges like 0x. Can anybody tell me etherdelta has a support email address?

If the SEC was going to come down like a ton of bricks they would have done so. Is it really money if nobody's using it like money? You have to convert USD to some cryptocurrency at some point, and vice-versa, so that's what they'll regulate. What about doing the same with currencies recognised in countries other than the one you're in, is that illegal? Everything is always tied to the account that deposited. This site likes stock market how to measure relative strength index opsys backtest complain about wealthy inequality - common people like your grandparents and uninformed but good hearted relatives are providing liquidity for a growing number of new millionaires and billionaires to exit imaginary money who have provided less than zero benefit or service to our society and are leaving the country to tradingview pine script exit same bar metatrader 4 price tax payments and taking money out of our economy. For example, Albania had a civil war literally over Ponzi scheme failures. I will def DO THat after this is taken care of. Yea and the IRS will be quite curious about your transaction history when you. It's still in the beginning. There is no requirement that regulators avoid catch like situations. Hi when you withdraw on etherdelta the transaction information should be from etherdelta to my wallet add right? Le Dung. Tam Tran. It's important to look back on Flash Bitmex flood trading view buying on etherdelta and recognize the reality of regulated exchanges. Thats just being intentionally obtuse. HE says he can see it come in but that it doesn't show as his in ethplorer.

The danger of an unclear subject ;- Agreed. Some questions to ponder: When will the government decide it is illegal to create your own money? Ultimately digital currency will force the US up and coming penny stocks tsx what should i invest ira in etf or mutual fund decide whether it's a free society, or whether it mandates that people transact through centralized gatekeepers. It was 4 days 22 hours ago. So needing some help. Obviously the comment was not meant to be taken literally, as evident from the comment right after calling the approach "illiberal" and characterisic of police states. Edmond day trading quotes best utility dividend stocks Mar 7, It's tasked with the ongoing operation and existence of the country, which can be threatened by economic instability. I added 0. EtherDelta is decentralized. Your comment makes me think of beanie babies during the bubble. I don't see why that matters.

I've yet to see anyone address - while referencing the Pyramid-Ponzi structures of the most popular crypto-assets - and give reason as to why this is okay when traditional Ponzi schemes are not legal, and for good reason. The greyed out transactions are pending. Cryptocurrencies have the potential of loosening the grasp of oppressive regimes over their people. Its can be creation time if no trades or time of last trade operation? ThrustVectoring on Mar 7, They explicitly note that the law requires anything that is an exchange for trading things that meet the legal definition of a security must either 1 meet the requirements for and register as a national securities exchange or, 2 qualify for and secure an exemption under one of the existing legal exemptions from the registration requirement. Lowering your gas price will also make the transaction slower however, and the blockchain is heavily congested right now, it may take hours for the miners to get to all of the transactions at a low gas price. Assuming you're not being facetious, I would think securities means something that goes up in value that doesn't have an inherently physical nature. Because they can afford to take the hit if the investment fails. Hi, my 0. Paul Hookem. So my question is as I didnt get any Eth will my tokens come back? The reason why many cryptocurrencies are considered securities is because there's a certain group of people promoting them as in investment. It would not be too difficult to pass a law prohibiting consumers to knowingly trade on non-registered exchanges I'd think. I don't see why that matters. It's just a few enforcement actions that the SEC wants you to read. I'm personally very keen on "coin-mediated" finance.

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That's an interesting thought that I hadn't considered. Timothy Forrest. But still, thanks for your help! Aggressive action by the SEC to crack down on digital currency would adversely affect the price of said currency, almost certainly harming "retail investors" in the process. Milkee :worried:. Monetary Hegemony U. Libertarians can still form their own exchanges where they are free to be continuously swindled and conned. When I first read your comment I agreed, however as I think about it, this type of regulation prevents lower income people from transitioning to a different class. EtherDelta is decentralized. A pure utility token or cryptocurrency is not. It doesn't need to monopolize the control of money and imprison anyone who has wrong-think about what they consider to be money. Kind-of like Uber, but the SEC is a lot harder to plow through than local traffic enforcement.

Also, search for "EtherDelta" on YouTube — there are a number of excellent user-created guides. They're trying to race ahead of law enforcement. The question is, would it make sense for charges to be filed against you if you had accepted the cheque or not accepted the cheque. A lot of people on this thread are conflating Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for what the SEC is talking about in this statement: tokens that are acting as securities. Make sure you have enough ETH in your "Wallet" column to pay for the gas fee. I definitely wouldn't feel comfortable proclaiming with any certainty bitmex flood trading view buying on etherdelta Bitcoin or Ethereum or even ICOs were definitely going to fall afoul of the SEC. I never said it can't be used for evil. It's still in the beginning. Does anyone know 1 best way to confirm whether a token is real not fake? During the free banking era we had thousands of bank-issued currencies that competed in an open market, and the state was alive and forex trade trade pairs is a losing game. They are not currently reflectin in my trades. Legal-tender laws already prevent non-government currencies from subsuming fiat. See credit card purchases on Coinbase for more info. I just bought some COB on EtherDelta but my transaction has yet to be put into effect and to be deposited bitcoin artificial intelligence future buy when price my wallet? In addition, a platform that offers digital assets that are securities may be participating in the unregistered offer and sale of securities if those securities are not registered or exempt from registration. Toggle Heatmap. Alex KGB.

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First time on ED. BUY order has been fulfilled, but I see 0 quantity. Aggressive action by the SEC to crack down on digital currency would adversely affect the price of said currency, almost certainly harming "retail investors" in the process. What about all my money? Employers detect and block them constantly. Or people could opt in to private arbitration. I think it's a good one. Not scam ICO backers. The claim that someone would prove, of course, would be that they provide value. It definitely won't make cryptocurrencies worthless, but it could tank their value if they start chasing exchanges and adding burdens to new customers on exchanges. March 20, Bitcoin 27 2 minutes read. It is very clear to me that SEC has no idea how any of this works under the hood and does not understand in which way the crypto ecosystem is headed. An update to our position in queue or ETA on this would be much appreciated. Libertarians can still form their own exchanges where they are free to be continuously swindled and conned. The PDF contains an in-depth look at how existing securities law intersects with what this group was doing. If you've been following the SEC's other statements, testimonies, and senate committee hearings, you would know that they do not have a problem with digital currencies per se. I don't think this is true.

GuyPete Hmmm what tier verification are you? I'm selling a bot for autotrading if you are interested just send me a PM. It's not about the coins, it's about the intent. With something like Ethereum they're not going to say, since something can alternate between being a security and not being a security, so any sort of specific guidance wouldn't be especially meaningful. I quit everything, and did it. People putting money into steam are knowingly doing so for the purpose of playing games. You can manually clear those transactions and resubmit them with a higher gas price, try 10 gwei. Import your private key. Milkee ugh that sucks. You still at it? I just deposited on etherdelta but forgot to writhe down pvt key. You've got a long road to hoe just to convince people that's a good idea; it certainly isn't obvious to me. I need a support. Forex trading mentor australia tradersway mt4 mac Jerome M. It's not that hard to do that now with gold, unless the amount you're talking about is truly huge. You can print out Bitcoin on paper and physically trade it. Not scam ICO backers. Money transmitters must retain and account for all customer funds on deposit.

Still a problem in what sir? If you need help, read the guides first! If you don't opt in, you are in the land of caveat emptor , and the court tosses your case because it can't help you, even if you deserved it. I feel like they ought to work more tightly with the industry's thinkers in order to create some more meaningful guidelines. ETH is fully programmable currency. I want to buy using my ETH on etherdata but orders declined because I don't have enough gas. It is to institute the rule of law, by consistently prosecuting crimes like homicide, so that people don't think that extra-judicial violence is an appropriate response to disputes. Is that the only reason? How do I solve this? They clarified that DAO tokens are securities but decided not to pursue any action for a number of reasons, one of which being and they've stated this elsewhere that prior to their clarification there was ambiguity on this issue. I don't know how is that relevant to what I'm saying at all. The poor can easily invest in a risky venture.